“What to do when everything feels hard” from Rachel Hollis
“What to do when everything feels hard”
Source: The Rachel Hollis Podcast (Listen: 54 min)
Contributor: Selena Garcia
“You have to ask yourself, ‘IS everything hard right now? Or does everything FEEL hard right now?’” - Rachel Hollis
“What on earth are we supposed to do when it all feels this heavy?” Rachel Hollis coaches herself in this live podcast, offering useful tools for unpacking your emotions to determine, “IS everything hard right now, or does everything FEEL hard right now?” And whatever your answer, there’s a way to progress through it. In this, you’ll be offered questions to ask yourself to create the best possible strategy for you. Whether that is addressing the things in your life making you feel overwhelmed, or the people.
Rachel is a best-selling author, motivational speaker and founder of The Hollis Co. She’s driven (to say the least), and though her language tends to address her female base, what she shares applies to everyone. If you’re struggling with anxiety and feeling overwhelmed or stuck, this is for you.
There are ads in this podcast, but overall, she keeps things moving.
“If you don’t do the work to identify the problems, you don’t know how to change it.” - Rachel Hollis
(4:00) Start listening
(4:27) “You have to ask yourself, ‘IS everything hard right now? Or does everything FEEL hard right now?’... Because depending on how you answer that, there are two different ways to approach this. There are plenty of seasons of our life where truly twelve different things feel hard. Where your life feels impossible—I have been there many times; that is a real state. Then, there are plenty of seasons, where because of different factors, which I’m gonna get into, things feel hard, and it creates anxiety, it creates these feelings of suffering in us, but it’s not actually real.”
(5:20) “When we really look at our lives, we’re like ‘you know what, I’m ok, I’m doing ok, the kids are ok, in reality, things aren’t that hard they just feel hard.’ And there are answers for handling both scenarios, but you have to know which you’re dealing with.”
(16:42) “Once you know which one it is, whether it actually is hard, or it just feels hard, I’m gonna talk you through the things that you can do to make it feel better, or help it get better.”
(21:22) “Affect the things you can affect. When things are hard— progress makes us feel less stressed. Progress is a stress-reliever. So just making some traction towards certain areas will make you feel better. But you’re never going to know what to attack if you don’t break down all of the emotions and why they’re showing up. Without doing that, it just feels like one giant ball of overwhelm.”
(24:17) “The last piece of this particular topic that I feel like is important to ask… ‘what can you let go of that will make your life feel lighter?’ See, painful things and hard seasons are incredibly heavy to carry. They’re heavy emotionally. They take a physical toll on our bodies. They are difficult for us to hold. And if you’re going to have to hold something so heavy, what can you let go of in order to give yourself more capacity to hold this big thing?”
(36:42) “Overwhelmed doesn’t come from a hard day; it comes from a hard season. It comes from something happening continuously over and over to the point that that feeling of anxiousness or unsure—that becomes your reality.”
(38:46) “If you don’t do the work to identify the problems, you don’t know how to change it.”